Ok. I got a 17" HP AMD laptop and it's a pail of fail. My laptop speakers don't work. It's a major pain in the ass. Since this was a refurb and HP wants a fortune to fix the sumbitch, I'm now looking at a replacement. I've been shopping around and now I need some advice. I want a laptop to play around on the Intertubes and play music/movies and of course , run all the cool Stardock shit. I've been looking @ some 4GB Vista 64 bit models
I've gotten it down to a few models and I need some advice.
Model #1
$800 cdn
Pros. Dedicated video. inexpensive.
Cons. Standard 1280x800 4GB limit?
Model #2
Pros. Great styling , 16" screen ( 1366x768 ) Good sound ( subwoofer ) 2 year automatic warranty extension vis Costco
Cons. Shared video. Acer?4 GB limit.
for $250 more I can get an HP 15.4" laptop with a 9600m and 4GB and Blu-Ray. Not sure I need that.
Any ideas? Other models I need to look at?
Any other ideas? I'm in Canada